-- The only system that Jesus fits into is one which has Him at its centre --

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Repentance and Faith - thinking out loud

I wonder just how different repentance and faith both are.

I know that there are dictionary definitions, and traditions and expectations and shibboleths around both, that's not what this is about.

Faith is wrapped up in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Thinking about Hebrews 11. Looking forward to His incarnation (if you are an OT saint) and to his cross-work. Looking forward to the future that is secured through His saving acts (resurrection and new-creation). Looking beyond all that this world affords and looking to Jesus. Moses considered disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater worth than all the riches of the global superpower of the day, Egypt. That was faith. In Christ. Against the world. Despite all that the world can offer.

When Peter is walking on water he is looking at Jesus. As soon as he stops looking to Christ and starts to stare at the foaming abyss, the storms around, thinking of his own safety etc, he starts to sink and Jesus says to him, "you of little faith". When *our* concerns draw us away from Jesus, and sure, they may be BIG issues (like drowning!), we look away from salvation and safety.

Post ascension for us today, it's more or less the same. Faith is looking back to His incarnation, life, cross, resurrection and ascension and looking forward to His return and new creation. Faith is in Jesus. In His life before the Father, His intercessions, His worship, His atoning death, His resurrection victory etc.

And as soon as we look away... trouble.

So, we could say a biblical definition of faith is, turning away from self, from the sin that so easily entangles. Turning away from religion, works, false gods. Looking away from the storms of life and the abyss of death... and turning TOWARD Jesus.

Repentance isn't something separate to faith in Christ is it.

The bible says it's impossible to please God without faith. I wonder what kind of turning away from bad stuff could actually please God if it was kinda separate to Jesus. Filthy rags springs to mind.

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